Sanjesh Museum ist eines der interessantesten Museen in der Stadt Tabriz. Tatsächlich ist dieses Museum das erste und einzige spezialisierte …
Die Stadt Tabriz ist wegen ihrer Residenz des Kronprinzen während der Qajar-Dynastie voller historischer Häuser aus dieser Zeit. Die Geschichte …
Aserbaidschan Museum, das auf den historischen Schichten der Stadt Tabriz errichtet wurde, ist das zweitwichtigste Museum im Iran nach dem …
Armenian Museum of Tabriz is one of the main museums in the Tabriz city, which is located at the site …
Maghsoudieh Street of Tabriz city is full of old houses which are important in terms of their history and inhabitants. …
Bazaar and Occupations Museum of Tabriz is the one of the most exclusive museum of Iran. It is located near …
Ostad Bohtouni Museum is one of the museums of the city of Tabriz which known as the first personal museum …
Muharram Museum of Tabriz is the first Anthropology museum of Muharram in Iran. Anthropology is the study of human culture. …
Visiting a museum is one of the most attractive tourist activities and is always part of the travel plan which …