Heidarzadeh house

Heidarzadeh house in suburb of historical Tabriz, Magsodiyeh, is one of the important buildings of this neighborhood which is located on south side of Tabriz municipality building.

There aren’t any verifiable documents to estimate the date of construction of this house; however, according to studies, the house was constructed about 130 years ago by Haj Habib Lak.

This building was listed in the historical map of Tabriz (map of Dar-Al-Saltaneh) in 1918 with Haj Goli Khan Brigadier general Name.

The most accurate available information, other than aerial maps of 1956 and 1966, are the maps which were prepared in 1991.

Heidarzadeh house, relying on historical and architectural values, was registered in the list of national tourism sites of Iran in 1999.

The Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism organization of Iran (ICHTO) owned and repaired this building in 2001 and use it as tourism notification center of Tabriz and East Azerbaijan province.

Heidarzadeh house was built on two floors in 900 square meters area. This house has two independent interior and exterior courtyards. The various spaces of this impressive building are connected each other through a hall. The beauty of wooden worked windows, gypsum plasterboard, colorful glasses, brick works, gypsum columns, wide stairs, magnificent ceiling lightings and painting of this building make it a real wonderful and unique building.

Regarding to the wide range of information which given by displaying objective samples at the Shahstani (main) room, the most original and beautiful place of that house, can be used as a multipurpose space for cultural and historical exhibitions.

The basement section of this ancient building ,which arranged oriented by regular arc and beautiful  lighting of that  , coming  through the windows with the glitter of the sun in the middle of its pool, is the most cozy place in the building is to recommend you sit a little and to refresh yourself.

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